Chapter Ten


Joseph Smith inquired about everything, even perhaps that which he should not have. In the 132nd Section of the Doctrine and Covenants Verse 1 informs us as follows:

"Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph, that inasmuch as you have inquired of my hand to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as also Moses, David and Solomon , my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having many wives and concubines

2 Behold, and lo, I am the Lord thy God, and will answer thee as touching this matter. "

The foregoing is unlikely. Nobody comes under the category of having "many" wives and concubines except David and Solomon and Joseph could not be inquiring about their justification since he had revised the bible as follows:

RB, I Kings 3:1 "And THE LORD WAS NOT PLEASED WITH Solomon for he made affinity with Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter to wife, and brought her into the house of David until he had made an end of building his own house, and the house of the Lord, and the wall of Jerusalem round about. AND THE LORD BLESSED SOLOMON FOR THE PEOPLES SAKE ONLY ."

The additions are in capital letters that Joseph Smith added when he revised the Bible so he was fully aware of how the Lord felt about the doings of Solomon.

Also RB, I Kings 3:14 "And if thou (Solomon) wilt walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, then I will lengthen thy days, AND THOU SHALT NOT WALK IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. AS DID THY FATHER DAVID ."

In the foregoing, that which is capitalized was added in the Bible's revision so Joseph knew the status of David where the Lord was concerned.

Now let us go to the Book of Mormon:

Jacob 1:15 "And now it came to pass that the people of Nephi, under the reign of the second king, began to grow hard in their hearts, and indulge themselves somewhat in WICKED PRACTICES! such as like unto David of old desiring many wives and concubines, and also Solomon, his son ."

Jacob 2:23 "But the word of God burdens me because of your grosser crimes. For behold, thus saith the Lord: This people begin to wax in iniquity; they understand not the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms, because of the things which were written concerning David, and Solomon his son.
24 Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines. which thing was ABOMINABLE before me, saith the Lord ."

Since Joseph, through transcribing the plates into what became the Book of Mormon, received the foregoing information on David and Solomon he could never have been inquiring from God

about justification for their sexual appetites. In Verse 41 of the 132nd Section of the Doctrine and Covenants it states that Joseph was inquiring concerning adultery. What, then, could he have been inquiring about concerning adultery?

In the early days of the church there was a Spiritual Wives Doctrine talked about.

1. Spiritual Wives Doctrine

ln a study made on the great religious revival that had taken place in America and other parts of the world in the early part of the Nineteenth Century, it was interesting to learn that an important part of this revival was a Spiritual Wivery Doctrine. This doctrine belonged to the New Pauline Church (known as the Perfect Church) in America with two great branches in New York and Connecticutt. A book was published on this movement under the title "Spiritual Wives " by J. B. Lippincott & Co. The author (not a Mormon) has this to say on Page 62:

"Sydney Rigdon, at the time of his conversion by Parley Pratt, was the pastor of a church at Kirtland, in Ohio. He had already changed his religion more than once. He had been a loud ranter, a hot revivalist; and after his conversion to the Mormon faith, he labored in his district among the more exalted members of the most exalted sects. He knew the writing of Mahan, Gates, and Boyle - WRITING IN WHICH LOVE AND MARRIAGE ARE CONSIDERED IN RELATION TO GOSPEL LIBER TY AND A FUTURE LIFE. It is all but certain that he was acquainted with the ideas of Hiram Sheldon and Father Noyes. the two most active founders of the Perfect church . All the Perfect churches, being based on the great dogma of the saints having to live a life on earth free from sin, professed to believe that marriage, in its old and carnal shape, would pass away, and be replaced in time by a new, a holier, and more lasting state. Oberlin, one of the chief centres of this Perfect creed, is in Ohio, a few miles only from Kirtland, where Rigdon preached and dwelt."

Note the bolded, "writing in which love and marriage are considered in relation to gospel liberty and a future life ." Doesn't this sound very similar to the concept that men are at liberty (through divine sanction) to marry more than one woman and claim ownership in a future life (through sealings).

The above quote states that "it is all but certain" that he (Sydney Rigdon) was acquainted with a knowledge of the "spiritual wivery" part of the revival and the following will show that Sydney Rigdon was also blamed for a Spiritual Wifery Doctrine by members of the LDS Church after Joseph Smith's death:

(October 1, 1844) Trial of Sydney Rigdon - T & S, Vol. 5, Page 661 "There are many who seem to be in difficulty concerning Sidney Rigdon's standing in the church during the time he has been wallowing in his filth and corruption for four or five years past . I know how he has stood, but I rather some one else would tell it, I shall therefore leave the subject."

(November 15, 1844) T & S, Vol. 5, page 715 "The saints of the last days have witnessed the outgoings and incomings of so many apostates that nothing but truth has any effect upon them. In the present instance. after the sham quotations of Sydney and his clique! from the Bible. Book of Mormon. and Doctrine and Covenants. to skulk off. under the "dreadful splender" of spiritual wifery which is brought into the account as graciously as if the law of the land allowed a man a plurality of wives. is fiendish. and like the rest of Sidney's revelation , ...."

In a letter to William Smith from W. W. Phelps, Sydney is blamed for the sin of Lamech (son of Cain who according to Old Testament Scripture was a polygamist) as follows:

(January 1, 1844) (1845) T & S, Vol. 5, Page 757: "Talk about holiness, morality, temperance, humanity, brotherly kindness and charity among the refined polite nations of the world; why, ever since Cain built a city for the ungodly to revel in, for the polygamy of a Lameck : ..........the majority of mankind, have made money their faith; popularity their works, and persecution their sincerest devotion of moral greatness... "
Continuing on Page 761 he ends the letter: " .... shall we, who have tasted of the good word of God, and seen the mysteries of the world to come, shall we turn to the beggarly elements of the world, to work our passage back to popularity and hell, for a "mess of pottage, " like Hinkle, Bennett , Law, Rigdon and Co.?"

Note , I have bolded the name "Bennett " who was accused of a Spiritual Wife system before Joseph's death:

(April l, 1844) T & S, Vol. 5, Page 490 & 491, TO THE ELDERS ABROAD "We very frequently receive letters from elders and individuals abroad, inquiring of us whether certain statements that they hear, and have written to them, are true: some pertaining to John C. Bennett's Spiritual Wife System ; other in regard to immoral conduct, practiced by individuals, and sanctioned by the church; and as it is impossible for us to answer all of them, we take this opportuniy of answering them all, once for all.

In the f~rst place, we cannot but express our surprise that any elder or priest who has been in Nauvoo, and has had an opportunity of hearing the principles of truth advanced, should for one moment give credence to the idea that anything like iniquity is practised, much less taught
or sanctioned, by the authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints..........We have in our midst corrupt men, (and let no man be astonished at this for "the net shall gather in of every kind, good and bad;") these corrupt men circulate corrupt principles, for a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit; these spread their pernicious influence abroad,........There are other men who are corrupt and sensual. and who teach corrupt principles for the sake of gratifying their sensual appetities. at the expense and ruin of virtue and innocence . Such men ought to be avoided as pests to society, and be frowned down upon with contempt by every virtuous man and woman..........Follow after purity, virtue, holiness, integrity, Godliness, and everything that has a tendency to exalt and ennoble the human mind; and shun every man who teaches any other principles."

Also: A statement made by the Prophet's wife, Emma, in Sanders: "Succession in the Presidency ," Page 204 (This is a requote from Edward Tullidge, Pages 789-795 Feb. 1, 1879):

"There was no revelation of either polygamy, or spiritual wives. There were some rumors of something of the sort, of which I asked my husband. He assured me that all there was of it, was that in a chat about PLURAL WIVES he had said: "Well, such a system might be. if everybody was agreed to it. and would behave as they should but they would not: and besides. IT WAS CONTRARY TO THE WILL OF HEAVEN . No such thing as polygamy, or spiritual wifery, was taught publicly or privately before my husband's death, that I have now, or ever had any knowledge of......."


Emma's statement is consistent with this conference talk:

Diaries, Page 469 "Conference of the Twelve April 8, 1844 15 4 P.M. A large collection of Elders assembled at the stand. Addressed by Patriarch Hyrum Smith on Spiritual wife system . The first one we heard reporting such stories we will report him in the Time and Seasons to come and give up his license. He was decided against it IN EVERY FORM and spoke at length. President Rigdon Concurred in his remarks following Hyrum ."

Spiritual marriages "IN EVERY FORM " are cancelled out by Pres. Hyrum Smith in the foregoing. And if Sydney Rigdon were the one who had Joseph inquire about such a doctrine it sounds as if he had the record straight at that time which was two months before the Prophet's martyrdom. Anything, that I have found, that gave spiritual marriage credence or made plural marriage a celestial law was in the form of "additions" to original diaries or that which was published after Joseph Smith's death.

In the book "Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage " which is a discussion between the late Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr. and the Reorganized L. D. S. Church, Pres. Smith uses a statement from a Reorganized Church publication to prove to them that Joseph Smith was the author of plural marriage. The statement is:

First Volume of the "True L. D. S. Herald," page 27 "He (Joseph Smith) caused the Revelation to be burned and when he voluntarily came to Nauvoo and resigned himself into the arms of his enemies, he said that he was going to Carthage to die. At that time he also said that if it had not been for the accursed Spiritual Wife Doctrine. HE WOULD NOT HAVE COME TO THAT ."

Joseph Smith (if this statement is true) is very upset with the "accursed Spiritual Wife Doctrine " Could he have inquired about something that he should not have been inquiring about "50 - a doctrine belonging to another denomination to satisfy the inquisitiveness of Sydney Rigdon?

To add even more to this confusion why was Sydney Rigdon blamed for this doctrine, mistrusted, condemned and later excommunicated and then little by little this same doctrine Spiritual Wives - began to be preached in the Church after Joseph Smith's death:

50 D ~ C 88:64 "Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name it shall be given unto you, that is expedient for you;
65 And if ye ask anything that is not expedient for you. IT SHALL TURN UNTO YOUR CONDEMNATION.

T & S, Vol. 6, Page 955, April 6, 1845 (Brigham Young speaking): He begins by saying "JOSEPH IN HIS LIFE TIME DID NOT RECEIVE EVERY THING CONNECTED WITH THE DOCTRINE OF REDEMPTION, but he has left the key with those who under stand how to obtain and teach to this great people all that is necessary for their salvation and exaltation the celestial kingdom of our God .........I would now call your attention to some of the sayings of the apostle Paul. I hope you will not stumble at them. Paul says, "nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord, for as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the women, but all things of God. " The same Apostle also says, "The woman is the glory of the man." Now brethren, these are Paul's sayings, NOT JOSEPH SMITH'S SPIRITUAL WIFE SYSTEM SAYINGS.
And I would say, as no man can be perfect without the woman, so no woman can be perfect without a man to lead her , I tell you the truth as it is in the bosom of eternity; and I say so to every man upon the face of the earth: if he wishes to be saved he cannot be saved without a woman by his side. This is spiritual wifeism that is, the doctrine of spiritual wives."

The foregoing is an admission by Brigham Young that Joseph did not restore marriage as a part of the doctrine of redemption but refers us to the Apostle Paul for verification of the fact which informs us that the marriage concept in the Church does not come from Joseph Smith but from Brigham Young who, impossible as it may seem, then (in the same speech) began to associate the Spiritual Wife System of marriage with Joseph Smith which is the ultimate of contradictions. Also, while spiritual wives in Brigham Young's address was associated with monogamy it had previously blossomed into a plurality of wives for as early as September 4, 1844, less than three months after the martyrdom (and while Rigdon was being accused of this doctrine) the following was published in the Warsaw Signal:

".... Brigham Young preached in Nauvoo last Sunday, and in the course of his sermon avowed his belief in the spiritual wife doctrine, and said that he wished that he had one hundred spiritual wives. Thus it appears, that what seceders said in relation to this matter, is now openly admitted. "

And this belief followed them to the Salt Lake Basin:

William Hepworth Dixon, author of the book "Spiritual Wives " interviewed Brigham Young in Salt Lake City. On page 61, the following is recorded:

"A few words dropt by Brigham Young, in the course of a long reply to questions of mine on another point, told me that the Mormon Pope knew more than could be found in books about that doctrine of the Spiritual Wife."

Also quoting Heber C. Kimball, Deseret News, Nov. 7, 1855: "If you oppose what is called the 'Spiritual Wife Doctrine,' that patriarchal order, which is of God, that course will corrode you with a spirit of apostacy, and you will go overboard;...."

Those in this day and age who still practice plural marriage and firmly believe it to be a celestial law must have exhausted every means available to find in the diaries of Joseph Smith legal proof of his direct involvement with the principle.

This is recorded in their own publication:

The Most Holy Principle , Vol. 3, Introduction Page iv "Note - It is interesting to note that
the earliest journals of Joseph Smith which are readily available, contain no contemporary
entries which would confirm dates of plural marriages or the fact that a plural wife was taken on a given date, or of other events concerning this principle, and often no entry at all, and the testimony upon which we are dependent, to establish those early facts and dates, is given, by those involved or personally acquainted with them, MANY YEARS after the event. Thus WE ARE, ENTIRELY DEPENDENT UPON THE INTEGRITY OF THE WORDS AND RECOLLECTIONS OF THE INDIVIDUALS GIVING THEIR TESTIMONY ."

The only conclusion I can come to is that a reason for plural marriage was erroneously formed and took root and when the proof could not be found, to substantiate the claim, validation was "added" to Joseph's diaries. Since nothing AUTHENTIC appears in the record on spiritual marriages in Joseph's lifetime we will discuss the status of marriage next.


Chapter Nine

Chapter Eleven

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